A brand mascot can help build your brand image and take it on another level. For the best content marketing strategies, including a mascot to your brand’s image will make your brand look more attractive and allow your content to stand out.

A mascot is not the same as the company logo. A mascot extends the brand experience and gives the brand an identity, whereas the logo represents the brand’s business.

Here are some tips when picking the right mascot for your brand.

Select Your Mascot Type

The first thing to consider is whether you want a human mascot or go with animal characters. A popular example of human mascots is the KFC Colonel. Mascots with a human touch transform the objects and give them a life, like the M&M’s Spokescandies and Bibendum, The Michelin Man.

Choosing an animal as a mascot also makes the consumers feel like the brand is adding a living touch to its name. Some religions worship many animals, and in some cultures, animals have a strong connection with humans. Animals as a brand mascot influence a human’s brain, and you start associating good things with that brand—for example, the Hello Kitty cat.

Hello Kitty figurine mascot

Choosing the Personality

Your mascot is not a mere 2-D illustration. In this digital world, most of the speaking will be done by the mascot on your behalf. Therefore, you need to have the answers to questions that will define your mascot’s personality.

The questions are: what the mascot is about, its role in your brand, how it moves, does it have any link to the business model, and what it has to say about your brand. These things will then define the quality and characteristics of your company. The answers to these questions will come to you when you sit down and start defining why you need a mascot for your brand in the first place.

Planning the Marketing Strategy

Perhaps the most crucial step is to plan the visual content for your mascot, and how you will market it. Before coming up with your character, make sure you have a rough idea about what you want to go for. You need to have a character story in mind that will work as the building blocks for your character and give you creative mascot ideas.

Then comes your content and marketing strategy. You have to focus on the content with the mascot as the main character in mind. However, remember that you’re not selling your mascot. Comics and illustrations with your mascot’s character work the best.

Choose a reliable company that can help you come up with your mascot and its character story. At The NetMen Corp, we offer affordable high quality design services. Our custom Mascot Design services will offer you an experience where you can build a cohesive mascot for your brand. Contact us to learn more.