If you have a business, you need a business card. Your business card serves so many purposes. It makes a first impression, acts as a tangible reminder of your specialties and offers people new ways to connect with you. To ensure all this comes across in your card, you want a design that will reflect your competence and expertise.
Follow these steps to create quality, professional designs for your business card.
1. Pay Attention to Technical Requirements
Writing that bleeds off the edge of the card will not create a good impression, nor will unfocused artwork. Your first step in designing your business card should be to ensure everything you submit to the printer meets all the technical requirements. Remember:
- Artwork should be at least 300 dpi.
- Your type should be sized big enough that people can read it, with nothing below eight-point, though keep in mind that some fonts are harder to read at smaller sizes.
- All words and artwork should end at least 5mm short of the trim edge
- You should use CMYK color on all designs
2. Make Your Card Stand out With Special Touches
You want your card to be memorable. You can take advantage of special cuts or finishes to set it apart from other cards, drawing someone’s eye weeks after they met you. For instance, using a die cut, you can round the corners of your card or remove small pieces of it to leave jagged edges. Depending on your business, such creativity can tie into a theme, such as hairdressing or construction.
Of course, you don’t want to forget the basic information every card needs, including your name, company, position, phone number, email address and website. Those elements are non-negotiable.
3. Check Your Work and Check It Again
It’s critical that business card designs do not contain any typos or otherwise look unprofessional or rushed. They offer a visual representation of your business and yourself, so you want them to be perfect. If you have trouble detecting typos, ask a friend to read it over for you, or hire a professional proofreader. It’s worth doing this job to the best of your ability — the right card can pull in new business.
Showcase Your Creativity
A good business card injects a bit of your personality into it. No matter what your profession is, you require something unique on your cards that will help define you and your business. A dog walker may want an illustration of a leash, for example, while a baker may desire a cake. Even if you work for a firm where there’s less room for whimsy, you can add your company’s logo to the card.
Adding a logo will serve two purposes. First, it will liven up the card. Second, it will brand you so that your name and the logo are inextricably linked in the mind of anyone you meet.
Do you need a logo for your company to add to your business cards? If so, contact The NetMen Corp for assistance. Our in-house designers can create a logo that you’ll love to grace all your print products, including your business cards. Get in touch with us today to get started.