Character Design & Mascot Services
Character Design & Mascot Services
An original, tailor-made character design or mascot design to fit your company
An original, tailor-made character or mascot to fit your company
A character offers a lot of flexibility, and we can work with you to create a mascot that fits with your brand and builds on a cohesive style and message
A character offers a lot of flexibility, and we can work with you to create a mascot that fits with your brand and builds on a cohesive style and message
Why Choose Our Character Design Services?
Custom Character Design Process
Why A Great Company Needs Great Mascot Character Design!
Why A Great Company Needs Great Mascot Character Design!
Characters are often great figures to act as guides on websites and in brochures
The Michelin Man. The Pillsbury Doughboy. Mr. Peanut. The Energizer Bunny.
Iconic corporate mascots have made quite an impression on pop culture over the past century. They encapsulate the warm and wonderful things about a business and humanize it. Think about what each one of those mascots stands for, and then think about the brand itself. Those parallels don’t exist by accident.

Get a Mascot Designed Online for Your Business
Our graphic design agency can assist you in coming up with your mascot character design, which is not as easy as it sounds. You must decide not just what type of animal or person you want to represent you, but also what their character will be like.
Make a Memorable Business Impression With a New Company Logo
Get a Mascot Designed Online for Your Business
Our graphic design agency can assist you in coming up with your mascot character design, which is not as easy as it sounds. You must decide not just what type of animal or person you want to represent you, but also what their character will be like.

The Benefits of Using an Online Design Company for Mascots
The Benefits of Using an Online Design Company for Mascots
We want to use our mascot design experience to help you. You’ve likely never been through the process of conceptualizing and bringing to life a two-dimensional drawing. It’s an exciting process and one that we’ve undertaken many times before.
Let our mascot design service in Miami guide you through your own process of planning for your new mascot. We know what type of things work for different industries and what does not. We can advise you on ideas to try and ones to stay away from. We know design, and we understand what sorts of design qualities attract people to a mascot.

How We Work
How We Work
Step-by-step. How you can work with our designers.
Customized & high-quality design services at affordable prices!
TOLL FREE 1-888-519-3443
Customized & high-quality design services at affordable prices! TOLL FREE 1-888-519-3443

Date of Delivery
As soon as you have filled out the evaluation form and returned it to us, you will be contacted by your personal account manager.

Initially you will receive several design concepts, each one crafted in a different way, yet each retaining the core essence of your company.

When you have decided on your concept, you will receive 4-7 versions of the original concept with one working day.

Final Files
Once you have selected the final design, you will receive the original files (Ai, Psd or HTML) and fonts in a zip file.