Choose a Name That Is Memorable and Easy to Pronounce.
Great product names have several factors in common — probably the most obvious of those being is being easy to pronounce. How else could we remember a product if we can’t remember what it’s called? It’s also important to pick an easy-to-say name so that customers can spread the word.
If you’re having trouble choosing a name, schedule a brainstorming session with other creative people. To have a successful brainstorming session, you’ll need to:
- Know the product and its benefits
- Have a thesaurus and dictionary handy
- Expect to create lists of over 100 potential names
Brainstorming is a chance to let creativity flow. You’ll have time to go over the lists and judge later.
Here are tips to keep in mind while brainstorming and things you’ll want to consider when choosing your favorite product names. Try to create names that are:
- Easy to pronounce
- Easy to understand
- Easy to spell
- Short and concise
- Memorable
- Packed with meaning
- Attention-grabbing
- Tells your brand’s story
- Sounds appropriate for your brand, or is fun to say
- Defies expectations
- Stands out
- Is a metaphor for the product’s benefits
- Won’t cause embarrassment
Say names out loud. Listen to how they sound and consider how they make you feel. Ask others to do the same and get their opinion. You want a name that people take joy in saying or evokes your product’s purpose. For example, you wouldn’t name a brand of organic baby powder to sound like the name of insect repellent. Consider how a name sounds, looks and feels.