In the world of graphic design, logos are one of the most challenging things to get right. Making a logo needs absolutely no skill, and almost everyone can do it. However, making a decent logo necessitates a great deal of foresight, artistic talent, and persistence.

Trends in graphic design come and go. Some of them stick on longer and become iconic design patterns, while others fade away.  These trends can help you develop a strong brand identity and a loyal audience if you have the right approach.

We see designers fall into the habit of running into a logo design project and generating such overused and old ideas. Today, we’ll take a look at seven logo patterns that fall into this category.

  1. V-Shaped

You might have used V-shaped trademarks for social working organizations or other service-oriented businesses. While this shape may have modified into different shapes, such a tried-and-true design has outlived its usefulness and should be withdrawn from the portfolio.

  1. Thin Lines

Thin lines are appealing because they are clear and clean, but they can become troublesome when the pattern is scaled down to limited dimensions. Thin lines are one of the top logo patterns to avoid since a logo must scale to minimal sizes while still being legible.

  1. Overlapping

Do you really want to use something to signify your brand that’s been used so often that it’s no longer considered creative? The logo with two letters overlapping is old and overused, and as a business owner, you must think beyond the box to find new ways to make your business logo responsive while still being innovative.

  1. Graph

Graphs pointing upwards to show market achievement sound cool when used in a presentation, but making a logo out of it now feels like a complete waste of imaginative ideas. Of course, a company logo can’t include abstract florals or a fancy script, but keep in mind that this is a legally binding deal, so choose wisely.

  1. Human Figure

We’ve all seen the logos of “curvy-lined” figures in the logo. They’re perhaps one of the most overused logo ideas. They’re all over the place, and they’re primarily used in pre-made or standardized stock logo styles. They aren’t exclusive, don’t differentiate the brand, and aren’t memorable enough to gain attention. As a result, you should probably stay away.

  1. Glitter Logos

Text-based logos with glitter and sparkle have been overused for many hair and lash businesses. They are no longer unique and tend to be standardized. Aside from glittery text, there are other, more imaginative ways to express elegance, luxury, and femininity in a logo design.

  1. Gradients

Gradients are suitable to complement or add dimension to your logo design, but they shouldn’t be your primary source of inspiration. Very bright or extreme gradients will make your logo difficult to read and won’t print well, detracting from rather than contributing to your design.

A logo designer’s computer on the their table

At The NetMen Corp, we offer customized and Affordable high quality design services. We’re based in Miami and specialize in logo design services. Visit our website and check out our professional services for yourself!

Contact us at 1-888-519-3443 or email us at today for more information about Amazon Brand Store Design Services.