In the ultra-competitive Amazon marketplace, product images are one of the most critical elements that influence consumers’ purchase decisions. According to Amazon, listings with product images see a 65% increase in conversions. This highlights the immense value of creating optimized, high-quality listing images.

This guide helps Amazon sellers and agencies create effective listing visuals that sell by using the right keywords and best practices.

The Importance of Listing Images for Amazon SEO:

Product images don’t just make listings more appealing. They also play a significant role in Amazon SEO and visibility.

Listings with keywords in the title, bullets and description perform better in Amazon search. However, images also provide an opportunity to incorporate keywords and optimize content.

For example, naming image files using relevant keywords can improve rankings. The alt text description also allows you to include keywords that reinforce those used elsewhere in the listing.

Showcasing the primary keywords and benefits visually through images further strengthens SEO. Listing images and text should align to send clear signals to Amazon’s algorithm about relevance. Include important terms that are appropriate throughout listing content.

Elements of High-Converting Amazon Listing Images:

When designing listing visuals, keep these key elements in mind:

  • Main Image: The main image catches shoppers’ attention, so ensure it highlights the key product features, uses or benefits. An amazon designer will know the best practices for the main image.
  • Infographics: Use charts or visuals to display specs, dimensions, materials or product information. Be sure to include them both in your listing images, and on your amazon A+ content design.
  • Lifestyle Images: Show people using your product to help customers picture it in real life.
  • Flat Lay Images: Photograph all parts, accessories against a clean background to highlight inclusions. Amazon listing image designers will need great photography for your Amazon listing design.
  • Action Images: Capture people actively engaging with your product to showcase uses.
  • Variant Images: Showcase different configurations, colors, angles etc. to fully display the product.
  • Compliant Images: Follow Amazon’s strict requirements to avoid issues with your Amazon product listing design.

Types of Listing Images that Convert:

Let’s explore some of the specific visual content types that perform well on Amazon:

  • Packaging Images: Showcase branded or visually appealing packaging to build perceived value.
  • Comparison Images: Display your product against competitors or product variations to highlight differences. You can always look at other A+ content examples to get some inspiration.
  • Instructional Images: Provide visual instructions on how to use the product properly. These usually have product details, and don’t be afraid to add text.
  • Informative Images: Include charts displaying product information like dimensions, uses, or materials. Experiences Amazon A+ page designers will create amazing infographics to display information.
  • Emotional Images: Show people enjoying your product to tap into emotions and desires.
  • Lifestyle images showing customers using your product in context help them envision the end benefit.
  • UGC Images: Visitor images showing authentic use help build trust and credibility.

Optimizing Amazon Images for Keywords:

Just like other listing content, images provide an opportunity to reinforce keywords and optimize for Amazon search.

Some tips for optimizing images for keywords:

  • Include primary keywords in the file name and alt text description.
  • Show the main keyword or benefit clearly in the primary image.
  • Use secondary keywords in additional infographic, lifestyle or instructional images.
  • Leverage long-tail variations of your keywords – different uses, angles, contexts etc.

Aligning keywords in images with title, bullets and description improves SEO by strengthening the overall content optimization and relevance.

Creating Engaging Amazon Listing Visuals:

Great products can lose themselves in the sea of competition if they lack compelling listing images. Here are some options sellers use to obtain high-quality listing photographs and visual assets:

  • Hire a Professional Photographer: Provides the highest quality listing-specific product images, but is more expensive. Look for someone experienced in shooting ecommerce listing content.
  • DIY Photoshoot: With some creativity and practice, sellers can conduct DIY listing photoshoots with a good camera, lighting and homemade lightbox. More affordable but learning curve involved.
  • Manufacturer Images: Leveraging existing product images from the brand or manufacturer can save time and money. Supplement with additional Amazon-optimized pictures.
  • Stock Images: Convenient and offer variety but results may look generic. Use selectively along with custom photos.
  • Outsource Image Editing: Many freelancers specialize in editing, optimizing and formatting listing visuals for Amazon sellers. Cost-effective option.

The Right Images Lead to Conversions:

In competitive markets like consumer electronics, small appliances and household products, pricing is often similar between sellers. This makes product images even more important for standing out.

Compelling listing photographs help customers instantly connect with products emotionally and visually. They showcase features, uses, configurations, and benefits through “showing” rather than just “telling” like text.

Investing in good listing images is worth it. They make products seem more valuable, reduce returns, and boost sales and conversions. Images are not an afterthought, but a vital component of any Amazon selling strategy.

They will help you tap into your ideal target audience. Also, it will help get great customer reviews, and have the right Amazon product listing images.


Product images are one of the most influential factors for conversion performance on Amazon. Visually highlighting your product’s features, uses and uniqueness can attract your ideal buyer.

By adding relevant keywords naturally and aligning images with other listing content, you can reinforce Amazon SEO and improve visibility. Follow best practices for background, image types, compliance and more.

Compelling listing visuals that engage shoppers on an emotional level can significantly boost sales. Focus on showing rather than telling your product’s story through optimized images.

The NetMen Corp offers enhanced brand content design at an affordable price. Looking for Amazon ebc or a plus content design services? Contact us today to learn more about our Amazon design services!