
Are You a Goal-Getter? — 7 steps to achieving your goals

I recently overheard someone reply, when asked about her holiday weekend, “It was successful. My New Year’s resolution is to overeat on every major holiday. I figure I’m going to do it anyway; why not make it a goal I can actually keep?” I had to laugh. It made me think about the goals we create in our lives and in our businesses. Many fall into one of two major categories. The first category is goals we set that we have a 95 percent chance of accomplishing–mostly because we have done it before, so the likelihood is high that we’ll succeed. (Our overeater above almost didn’t pig out because she was feeling poorly. But she pulled herself together and gorged.) The other category is goals where there is a 95 percent degree of uncertainty that we’ll accomplish them, and we have never done it before, but we would like to. There are benefits to both kinds of goals. You might think the first kind of goal is for slackers, but there is some value in setting goals that you’re confident you’ll achieve. Using that confidence as a springboard for trying new things can be a useful thing–kind of like doing the perfect swan dive as a warm-up for an Olympic-caliber diver. The problem is if you stop at those, you don’t get to really compete with the big dogs. Let’s dive into the second kind of goal–the uncertain one. Goal-setting has been written about every which way. This article is a little bit about setting, but more about accomplishing the goal. The kind of goals you set is certainly important, but for the sake of brevity, I’m going to assume you’re setting an uncertain goal that has some reasonable chance of success. The human brain is set up to help you achieve goals that you sincerely believe are achievable. If you want to stretch yourself or your business to new heights, here are my thoughts on goal-setting and goal-getting. Dream, but be motivated. It’s OK to dream and have big goals. But if you’re actually going to accomplish them, you have to DO something about them, and that takes motivation. The very first thing you need to achieve a goal is a reason and deep desire to achieve it. The path to achieving goals is fraught with boredom, excuses and difficulty. You will have a lot of opportunities to talk yourself out of the goal. But if you can keep going back to the reason and your desire for the goal, those will help you stay on track. Break it down into 24-hour bites. The brain has a built in B.S. monitor that rings out when all you do is set an enormous goal but then don’t manage it to 24-hour cycles–daily mini goals. If your goal is to shed 50 pounds, your brain doesn’t see you 50 pounds lighter in 24 hours, but it can see you five ounces lighter in that time. Set your goals so that your [...]

How to Discount Without Devaluing Your Business

Thoughts on Brand Value Most businesses have seen a slow down since the recession. Slow weeks and months can become the bane of any small business owners life. So, what is the best solution? Many business owners would tell you, “Have a sale”, but, is that going to do harm, as opposed to good? The problem with sales is the perception they bring to a brand. Either the brand was overpriced to begin with or the quality is too low to sell at the original price. It can become a lose-lose for businesses. The key to discounting without devaluing is strategy. Here’s how: Identify “why”: Are you overstocked? Low on sales? Looking for new customers? By determining the logic behind your desire to discount, you may be able to find a strategy that fits it appropriately. Strategize: What is the best way to solve your problem both quickly and without profit loss? Evaluate the numbers and determine what will work for your organization. There are two main options when developing a strategy. Deals: Offer lower prices for pre-orders. This keeps your books flush while still providing quality products/services to customers and highlights the value, not the discount. Feature a free gift with purchase. Everyone loves free stuff! Gifts are a great way to entice first time customers to try your product/service. Again, emphasizing the gift with the service draws attention away from discounting and highlights your organization’s generosity and great customer service. Free shipping. Many people prefer to shop in stores to avoid large shipping fees. Feature free shipping for online orders to maximize customer satisfaction and good will. Combine your services. By offering package deals, you can help your customers get the products and services they need while offering a discount. For example, The NetMen Corp provides combination packages where we are able to offer a discount for customers that purchase multiple services. The problem with discounts, especially those used long term, is the perception they give to current and potential customers. It can reflect negatively on your business and devalue the products or services you are offering. By finding an alternative to discounting you have a better opportunity to highlight the great aspects of your company without worrying about devaluation. Notice, none of these “discounts” actually lower the perceived value of a good or service. Price integrity is an asset to any organization so by finding other ways to provide value to customers besides discounting you do not risk losing it. Everyone loves a gift so by giving customers free shipping or a gift with purchase you have the opportunity to gain the goodwill of your customers into future purchases. True Discounts: Should you decide that a true discount is the right way to go there are a few strategies to help maintain price integrity and perceptions. Specific product group discounts. Seasonal slumps are a part of business. By discounting specific types of products that align with a slower time of year you can avoid the stigma of [...]

7 Personality Types of Designers Today

Design is a universal language. It transcends all cultural and national boundaries. It is diverse and ever-changing. Despite the fact that designs can be universally appreciated, the artists behind them are all unique and talented individuals. What kind of designer are you? What is your philosophy? How do you contribute to the design community? Designers from different walks of life might have similar answers to these questions, and yet we are all different. Some designers take it upon themselves to educate those who have not yet developed an appreciation for Web design and art. Some designers aim to improve the overall quality of design on the Internet. And of course, some designers strive primarily to make a good living from their talents so that they can live a comfortable life. Whatever your reason for being a designer, you are unique. If you want to be a well-paid designer, please the client. If you want to be an award-winning designer, please yourself. If you want to be a great designer, please the audience. Spotting the 7 Different Designers Human beings constantly wear masks to hide their true feelings, thoughts and personality quirks. Designers wear masks of their own: one to attend to clients, another to handle a project’s details, another to collaborate with colleagues and yet another to communicate with family and friends. Human nature is to wear a different mask according to the role one is playing. Despite these masks, our true personality still shines through. There are seven different personality types of designers. Which one best describes you? 1. The Pablo Picasso Designer A perfectionist, the Pablo Picasso designer does not stand for any pixel to be out of place or unsightly. Egotistical, he does not care about other people’s opinions, and he belittles them for their ignorance and lack of appreciation of design and the arts. Principled, the Pablo Picasso designer has a strong mind and set beliefs that cannot be swayed by any amount of money. His only concern is for the ingenuity of ideas. A man out to change the world of design, he does not succumb to the whims of clients, and he believes it is their loss if they do not heed his advice. Believing he is a cut above the rest, he admits to only a few other designers in the world being his peers. The Pablo Picasso designer sees himself, above all else, as an artist. 2. The Albert Einstein Designer A smart man with an excellent work ethic, the Albert Einstein designer has the motto “No pain, no gain.” Unafraid of ridicule, he dares to be different. If at first you don’t succeed, try, try and try again. Failure is the mother of all success, and the Albert Einstein designer has a never-give-up attitude that pushes him to continually reach his goals despite countless failures. The Albert Einstein designer continues to create his own designs, putting them to the test in various design competitions. He may not get it right each time [...]

7 diferentes tipos de personalidades en diseñadores gráficos

El diseño es un lenguaje universal. Que trasciende todas las fronteras culturales y nacionales. Es diversa y siempre cambiante. A pesar de que los diseños pueden ser universalmente apreciado, los artistas detrás de ellos son todos individuos únicos y con talento. ¿Qué tipo de diseñador es usted? ¿Cuál es su filosofía? ¿Cómo contribuyes a la comunidad del diseño? Los diseñadores de diferentes ámbitos de la vida podrían tener respuestas similares a estas preguntas, y sin embargo, son todas diferentes. Algunos diseñadores se encargan de educar a aquellos que aún no han desarrollado una apreciación para el diseño web y el arte. Algunos diseñadores tienen como objetivo mejorar la calidad general del diseño en Internet. Y, por supuesto, algunos diseñadores se esfuerzan sobre todo para hacer una buena vida de sus talentos para que puedan vivir una vida cómoda. Sea cual sea su razón de ser un diseñador, usted es único. Si quieres ser un diseñador bien pagado, complacer al cliente. Si quieres ser un galardonado diseñador, por favor usted mismo. Si quieres ser un gran diseñador, complacer al público. Detectar los diferentes diseñadores 7 Los seres humanos usan constantemente máscaras para ocultar sus verdaderos sentimientos, pensamientos y peculiaridades de la personalidad. Los diseñadores usan máscaras de su propia: uno para atender a los clientes, otro para manejar los detalles de un proyecto, otro para colaborar con colegas y otra para comunicarse con amigos y familiares. La naturaleza humana es usar una máscara diferente de acuerdo a la función se está jugando. A pesar de estas máscaras, nuestra verdadera personalidad todavía brilla a través. Hay siete tipos de personalidad diferentes de los diseñadores. ¿Cuál te describe mejor? 1. El diseñador Pablo Picasso Un perfeccionista, el diseñador Pablo Picasso no representa ningún píxel sea fuera de lugar o antiestéticas. Egoísta, él no se preocupa por las opiniones de otras personas, y él los desprecia por su ignorancia y la falta de apreciación del diseño y las artes. Principios, el diseñador Pablo Picasso tiene una mente fuerte y ajustado creencias que no pueden dejarse llevar por cualquier cantidad de dinero. Su única preocupación es por el ingenio de las ideas. Un hombre a cambiar el mundo del diseño, que no sucumbe a los caprichos de los clientes, y él cree que es su pérdida si no seguir su consejo. Creyendo que es un corte por encima del resto, admite que sólo unos pocos otros diseñadores en el mundo siendo sus compañeros. El diseñador Pablo Picasso ve a sí mismo, por encima de todo, como artista. 2. El diseñador Albert Einstein Un hombre inteligente con una excelente ética de trabajo, el diseñador Albert Einstein tiene el lema "Sin dolor no hay ganancia." Sin temor a la burla, se atreve a ser diferente. Si al principio no tienes éxito, intentar, intentar e intentar de nuevo. El fracaso es la madre de todo el éxito, y el diseñador Albert Einstein tiene una Nunca te des por vencido actitud que lo empuja continuamente para alcanzar sus metas [...]