
Six Tips for Turning Business Ideas Into Action

Successful startups are all about turning ideas into action. These actions must be the hard part, since entrepreneurs always seem to come to me with ideas, and ask me for help on the actions. That has always seemed strange to me, since the magic is supposed to be in the ideas, and the actions are the same for every business. In fact, the actions required to start and run a business are well documented, the subject of many books, and taught in college courses across the land. As confirmed by a recent book on this subject by John Spence, Awesomely Simple, turning business ideas into action consists of six essential strategies: Build a vivid vision. Having a clear, vivid, and compelling vision in your head is without question an essential component in building a successful company. But that’s not good enough. The vision has to be documented and communicated in a way that makes it vivid to every member of your team, your customers, and your investors. Team with the best people. The best people are highly talented and motivated individuals who are also masters of collaboration. The future of your startup is directly tied to the quality of talent you can attract and keep. You must create a winning culture that people love. Practice robust communication. Open, honest, frank, and courageous communication, both inside and outside the organization, is critical. The key skills can be learned, and include deep listening, logic versus emotion, and reading body language. According to Spence, this is the biggest problem he has to deal with in client organizations worldwide. Cultivate a sense of urgency. Get things done. A fast, agile, adaptable organization makes the important things happen now. Urgency is allergic to bureaucracy. Reward fast action. You set the model for your startup. You become what you focus on and become like the people you spend time with. Enforce disciplined execution. Build a performance-oriented culture that demands quality in every operation, encourages continuous innovation, and refuses to tolerate mediocrity. Most organizations execute only 10 to 15 percent of their major goals. Do a periodic effectiveness audit to check your operation. Then fix it. Show extreme customer focus. Put feedback mechanisms in place to know that you are consistently delivering what customers truly value. Attitude and listening are the keys. Superior customer focus can drive as much as an 85 to 104 percent increase in your profitability. It should be pretty easy to see the interdependence and synergy among the six principles, each building on the next, all the various elements working together to create a highly successful business. But you don’t have to go out and address all six principles right now. Pick one that will create leverage immediately, and begin with it. Spence defines three simple watchwords that will lead to business excellence – focus, discipline, and action. If you are missing any of these, the outcome will most certainly be mediocre. Once you start accepting mediocrity, you become a magnet for mediocrity. Your [...]

5 Reasons Why Landing Pages & Forms are More Valuable than Homepages

A recent post over at Google made an interesting claim: The ROI for improvement is much better for landing pages and forms than it is for homepages. At first this sounds controversial, but it makes sense for many reasons. While the article talks about how to improve forms and landing pages, it doesn’t really explain why they are more valuable than home pages. Here are five reasons landing pages are more valuable than home pages: Landing pages & forms are real interaction points.They are the primary way that visitors enter information or communicate back to you, the web site owner. Most pages are simply one-way communication, but forms and landing pages with forms are two-way…they are the conversation. By “listening” to the conversation on these types of pages, you’ll learn a lot more than you will by trying to figure out what home page traffic is telling you. Landing pages are transactional, and the transactions they enable are the ones crucial to your business. This means they are the most important point in the usage lifecycle of your customers…it’s when visitors are deciding to do business with you or start the process of doing business with you. They contain the most important decision points for your customers. Landing pages are contextual. When designed well, landing pages address a very specific need of a very specific audience. This makes them high value…they are like the sales closer. They come in after someone has shown interest and are the most powerful way you can close the deal. They might have a lot less traffic than the homepage, but that traffic is much more important. Home pages are a catch-all. They act to triage all incoming traffic. They have to handle first-time visitors, returning visitors, the press, friends and family, investors, people who want to sign into your web app, everyone who has any reason at all to visit. Therefore, the messages on homepages are necessarily weakened and can’t speak as strongly to any specific user group…they have to handle everything. They serve a completely different purpose than more focused pages like landing pages or forms. Homepages are notoriously political. Everyone wants a piece of the homepage. The thinking is that because the homepage is the single page with the most traffic, it must be the most important page on the site. But that’s simply not true…the mere fact that it’s the root URL on your domain means that it will inevitably get more traffic. In the end the politics almost always serve to distract…by spending so much time on the homepage design teams often overlook the value of their other, more important pages. As site visitors we don’t often see landing pages unless we come via a specific pathway, such as clicking on an ad on Google Search or Facebook or some other ad provider. This serves to diminish landing pages in our mind…because we don’t see them as often as the venerable homepage. But there are real reasons why it makes sense to [...]

Landing Pages & Forms vs Homepages. 5 Razones

Un reciente post más en Google hizo una interesante afirmación: El retorno de la inversión para la mejora es mucho mejor para las páginas de destino y las formas de lo que es para páginas web. Al principio esto suena polémico, pero tiene sentido por muchas razones. Mientras que el artículo habla de cómo mejorar las formas y páginas de destino, en realidad no se explican por qué son más valiosas que las páginas de inicio. Aquí están cinco razones por las páginas de destino son más valiosas que las páginas de inicio: 1    Las páginas de destino y las formas son reales points.They interacción son la principal forma en que los visitantes entran información o comunicarse con usted, el propietario del sitio web. La mayoría de las páginas son simplemente la comunicación de una sola vía, pero las formas y páginas de destino con las formas son de dos vías ... son la conversación. "Escuchando" a la conversación en este tipo de páginas, aprenderá mucho más de lo que lo hará tratando de averiguar lo que el tráfico de la página de inicio le está diciendo. 2   Las páginas de aterrizaje son transaccionales, y las operaciones que permiten son los que son cruciales para su negocio. Esto significa que son el punto más importante en el ciclo de vida de uso de sus clientes ... es cuando los visitantes están decidiendo hacer negocios con usted o iniciar el proceso de hacer negocios con usted. Contienen los puntos de decisión más importantes para sus clientes. 3    Las páginas de aterrizaje son contextuales. Cuando se diseñan bien, páginas de destino responden a una necesidad muy específica de un público muy específico. Esto hace que sean de alto valor ... son como las ventas más estrechas. Vienen en después de que alguien ha mostrado interés y son la forma más poderosa que puede cerrar el trato. Puede ser que tengan mucho menos tráfico que la página de inicio, pero que el tráfico es mucho más importante. 4    Las páginas de inicio son un cajón de sastre. Actúan para triaje todo el tráfico entrante. Ellos tienen que manejar visitan por primera vez, los usuarios recurrentes, la prensa, amigos y familiares, los inversores, las personas que quieran acceder a su aplicación web, todos los que tienen alguna razón para visitar. Por lo tanto, los mensajes en las páginas principales están necesariamente debilita y no puede hablar con tanta fuerza a cualquier grupo específico de usuarios ... que tienen que manejar todo. Ellos sirven a un propósito completamente diferente a las páginas más específicas como las páginas de destino o formas. 5    Páginas de inicio son notoriamente política. Todo el mundo quiere un pedazo de la página principal. La idea es que debido a que la página de inicio es la única página con más tráfico, tiene que ser la página más importante en el sitio. Pero eso es simplemente no es verdad ... el simple hecho de que es la dirección URL raíz [...]

45 Rules for Creating a Great Logo Design

This list is an exploration of design principals used in some of the world’s most famous logos. At the same time, the list was created as a way for designers to question themselves and the creative techniques they use when creating a logo design. Forcing the reader to reflect not only on the actual list, but also on their reaction to each listed insight, the last rule is the most important. Do not use more than three colors. Get rid of everything that is not absolutely necessary. Type must be easy enough for your grandma to read. The logo must be recognizable. Create a unique shape or layout for the logo. Completely ignore what your parents and/or spouse think about the design. Confirm that the logo looks appealing to more than just three (3) individuals. Do not combine elements from popular logos and claim it as original work. Do not use clipart under any circumstances. The logo should look good in black and white. Make sure that the logo is recognizable when inverted. Make sure that the logo is recognizable when resized. If the logo contains an icon or symbol, as well as text, place each so that they complement one another. Avoid recent logo design trends. Instead, make the logo look timeless. Do not use special effects (including, but not limited to: gradients, drop shadows, reflections, and light bursts). Fit the logo into a square layout if possible, avoid obscure layouts. Avoid intricate details. Consider the different places and ways that the logo will be presented. Invoke feelings of being bold and confident, never dull and weak. Realize that you will not create a perfect logo. Use sharp lines for sharp businesses, smooth lines for smooth businesses. The logo must have some connection to what it is representing. A photo does not make a logo. You must surprise customers with presentation. Do not use more than two fonts. Each element of the logo needs to be aligned. Left, center, right, top, or bottom. The logo should look solid, with no trailing elements. Know who is going to be looking at the logo before you think of ideas for it. Always choose function over innovation. If the brand name is memorable, the brand name should be the logo. The logo should be recognizable when mirrored. Even large companies need small logos. Everyone should like the logo design, not just the business that will use it. Create variations. The more variations, the more likely you are to get it right. The logo must look consistent across multiple platforms. The logo must be easy to describe. Do not use taglines in the logo. Sketch out ideas using paper and pencil before working on a computer. Keep the design simple. Do not use any “swoosh” or “globe”symbols. The logo should not be distracting. It should be honest in its representation. The logo should be balanced visually. Avoid bright, neon colors and dark, dull colors. The logo must not break any of the above rules. Source: Tanner Christensen

Is Avataritis Killing Your Brand?

Let’s face it. The first brand message you offer up in social media comes from that little square icon that represents you in cyberspace, your avatar. Whether you know it or not, everyone who sees your image forms an impression of you and/or your personal brand instantly. What do your brand images say about you?  Are you one of the millions afflicted with…Avataritis?  Take this yes or no test to find out: Do you have half of your ex-girlfriend’s arm around your neck in your cropped down image? Was your image snapped on a smart phone by your overserved BFF at last week’s big kegger? Does you photo scream 1995? You use the boilerplate Twitter birdy or Facebook silhouette. Is there a greyish, orangeish, yellowish swishy backdrop and a contrived smile on your face? Is it just your eyeball? Do you looked even a little bit wasted? Is your image actually not you but instead an image of your fluffy dog, porche carrera or new born babe? Are you masquerading as a celebrity or Homer Simpson? If you answered yes to any of the above you’re not alone. Say it with me… “Oh Crap!! I have Avataritis!”  Prognosis: your social media picture is crap.  Worry not. There is a remedy. Know your brand. 
Take a critical minute to define your personal brand. This exercise it very important and is the first step to curing Avataritis if you have it. Many people find that their personal and professional selves have morphed into one, myself included, so only one brand is represented. You may represent your professional self differently and therefore may need to make two lists. Describe yourself in three words.  You avatar should say those three words about you.  If it doesn’t, scrap it and start anew with your three personal brand words in mind. While the majority of these avatars work and are impactful, can you see a few examples of the afflicted? Be clear
. When creating your new avatar, opt for simple. Crisp, close-ups, black and white or vibrant color work very well.  Don’t worry if the top of your head is cropped off. (Bonus: maybe this is a way to fix a poofy hair day or thinning top.)  There are no points awarded for being within the bulls-eye in the small square.  Don’t be afraid to crop in closely. I prepare client’s avatars to 250 px by 250.  Many avatars include company logos bolstering company reach and brand cohesion. Others are graced with causes the person promotes like 12 for 12K, a charity near and dear to my heart.  Be careful not to overdo your logos/causes/political stances on your logo. Create a blog if you have that much to say. Quick change. Don’t be afraid to change it up every now and then.  New avatars can generate some much needed buzz if your social media experience feels a little stale. Heck, @armano has a revolving door of cool avatars which represents his highly relevant brand well.  

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