You know you should probably have a business card. You see people carrying them around all the time. But what would you use them for? Business cards are professional calling cards. They offer a tangible way to remind people about you long after you’ve met. You also get the chance for a little dramatic flair by creating business cards with unique designs and distinct personality. Read on to learn the many ways that handing out a business card can benefit your business.

Why Do People Give Others Their Business Cards?

Business cards offer a shorthand for people to immediately get up to speed on who you are, what you do and where you do it. Most cards display the following basic information:
  • Name
  • Address
  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • LinkedIn URL
  • Website address

You can also add creative elements to your business cards to make them stand out, such as illustrations or special finishes. You want your business card to be something people refer to again after you meet. The purpose is to forge new connections using business cards that could lead to future business, partnerships or collaborations.


Tips for Great Business Card Design

Handing out business cards is a low-stress way to market yourself. It gives you the opportunity to make introductions without having to make a full sell. People can take your card and look over your LinkedIn bio or website at their leisure.

How Can Business Cards Help You?

You can give out your business cards anywhere. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a business setting, although they’re particularly great to have available at a networking event. You can give someone a business card in almost any situation. Here are a few places where they come in handy:
  • Kids’ sporting events: Did you strike up a conversation with another mom about their budding business? Hand them your card to see whether you can assist one another.
  • Conferences: You meet a lot of people in your industry at events, and giving someone your card can jog their memory when they get home and are looking to follow up on conversations.
  • Interviews: When you interview someone for a position at your company, handing them your card gives them an easy way to follow up.

Why Do You Need a Business Card?

Still not convinced that you need a business card? They also have another useful quality. They make you seem more professional. If you own a small business, having a business card will lend you legitimacy and provide the impression that your company or organization has stability and is profitable. That’s exactly what you want to get across to anyone who might want your services.
Having a professionally designed logo on your cards can also go a long way toward establishing that business presence you desire. Do you need a logo designed for you? The NetMen Corp can work quickly to get you a high-quality logo to represent your business. Contact us today by filling out our online contact form to get started.