About Ignacio Galarraga

Ignacio Galarraga has transformed the online graphic design industry. As CEO of The Netmen Corp, he created a company aimed to help entrepreneurs, small companies and business owners get all their graphic and web design needs with a great quality at a very affordable price. Some of these services include but are not limited to: Logo design, Corporate Identity, Brochure design, Package design, Illustrations, and Website Design.

How to Compete for Recognition as a Small Company and Not Die Trying

As the owner of an small business you can use the design of your packaging as a platform to build your brand. Since a packaging design will include your logo, a color pallete, fonts, symbols, icons, and different elements the whole ‘’pack’’ will be the best way to stand out and show and shout to the entire world: HERE I AM. Do not forget the basic rule, the first stage for any product company is to get a brand identity. A packaging design  is one of the most cost-bennefit-effective marketing tools.  It requires a relative low budget, lasts a long time, and reaches many customers.  Plus has a great characteristic, can be used in several moments of the sales process: before (in advertising and promotions) during (at point-of-purchase) and after (during its use, and re-use). Well-designed packaging is widely appreciated, creates buzz, and is often kept and re-used, have a doubling effect on this critical marketing investment. If your packaging can be re-used you hit and strike. Nowdays, offer a packaging that can be a recycled for sure help to add a cool green perception of your company. Packaging design is essential for products to stand out.  Small companies compete for recognition in comparison to recognized brands.  These type of companies will benefit hugely from thoughtful packaging design. And to help those companies to get the key to open the opportunity to be recognizable in the market, exists thenetmencorp.com. Here can be found not only a graphic design team ready to create, also an account manager who will help to develop a branded packaging design. At thenetmencorp we definitely believe in team work. The company, the account manager and the designers will work all together to achieve that final concept which will complement the product and reinforce the brand identity.

Cómo competir para el reconocimiento como Empresa pequeña y no morir en el intento

Como propietario de una pequeña empresa puede utilizar el diseño de su envase como una plataforma para construir su marca. Puesto que un diseño de envases incluirá su logotipo, una paleta de colores, fuentes, símbolos, iconos, y los distintos elementos del conjunto '' pack '' será la mejor forma de destacar y mostrar y gritar a todo el mundo: aquí estoy. No se olvide la regla básica, la primera etapa para cualquier empresa de productos es conseguir una identidad de marca. Un diseño de envases es una de las herramientas de marketing más económica bennefit-efectiva. Se requiere un presupuesto bajo en relación, dura mucho tiempo, y llega a muchos clientes. Además tiene una gran característica, se puede utilizar en varios momentos del proceso de ventas: antes (en la publicidad y promociones), durante (en el punto de compra) y después (durante su uso y reutilización). envases bien diseñada es ampliamente apreciado, provoca una sacudida, y con frecuencia se mantiene y reutilizada, tienen un efecto de doblaje de esta inversión de marketing crítico. Si el embalaje puede ser re-utilizado y se golpea huelga. Hoy en dia, ofrecer un envase que se puede reciclar un seguro ayuda a añadir una percepción verde fresco de su empresa. diseño de envases es esencial para que los productos se destacan. Las pequeñas empresas compiten por el reconocimiento en comparación con marcas reconocidas. Este tipo de empresas se beneficiarán enormemente de diseño de envases reflexivo. Y para ayudar a aquellas empresas que conseguir la llave para abrir la oportunidad de ser reconocible en el mercado, existe thenetmencorp.com. Aquí se pueden encontrar no sólo un equipo de diseño gráfico listo para crear, también un gestor de cuenta que le ayudará a desarrollar un diseño de envases de marca. En thenetmencorp definitivamente creemos en el trabajo en equipo. La empresa, el administrador de cuentas y los diseñadores trabajarán todos juntos para lograr ese concepto final que complementará el producto y reforzar la identidad de marca.

Partnership totally approved: Graphic Design and Hair & Beauty Salon

To be the owner of a hair or beauty salon or spa center is great, fun and rewarding but it can be hard work and tough at the same time. You have to put all your energies not only on make your customers happy, also to market and grow your business. Whether  for the  opening of a new salon or spa or giving an existing business a brand makeover, connecting with clients and prospects through design is the very important. Nowadays, you have to take care of many fronts at the same time. First you need to work on strategies offline, to attract new clients to the salon. And parallely, ideas to generate more online visitors must flow to stay ahead of your competitors. And nothing better to stay tuned and always updated about marketing tools to make it possible. Graphic design is one of the strongest armed wing of any marketing strategy you want to implement to make your business grow and become in a reference into the category. An innovative and creative design will get the best results for your salon or spa: more new customers, higher retail sales, greater spend per client and increase of profit. Think only for five minutes the multiple options you have to make it possible. As a salon owner, you must find a graphic design team that can transform your  own vision into a brand. Here at thenetmencorp we stand for become that challenge into a great experience. We can work together  to get an innovative and inventive, original and recognizable Brand. Your logo first, from that one, you can move on into the different  marketing pieces. Creative salon branding, press advertisements, brochures, flyers, promotional mailers, pop-up banner stands, websites, social media ads, e-newsletters. It is an endless list. All these ítems can be designed for experts on the topic, for us. Here at thenetmencorp can help you and your salon or spa to grow and glow. We have a design team ready to deliver fresh and fun concepts that will promote your business and allow you to live the great experience to profited. All delivered with fixed prices , no hidden costs and unlimited concepts and revisions during the design process.

Asociación aprobada: Diseño gráfico y salones de belleza

Para ser el propietario de un centro pelo o salón de belleza o spa es genial, divertido y gratificante, pero puede ser un trabajo duro y resistente al mismo tiempo. Usted tiene que poner todas sus energías, no sólo en hacer felices a sus clientes, también para el mercado y hacer crecer su negocio. Ya sea para la apertura de un nuevo salón de belleza o spa o dar un negocio ya existente un cambio de imagen de marca, la conexión con los clientes actuales y potenciales a través del diseño es la muy importante. Hoy en día, hay que tener cuidado de muchos frentes al mismo tiempo. Lo primero que necesita para trabajar en estrategias fuera de línea, para atraer a nuevos clientes a la peluquería. Y paralelamente, ideas para generar más visitantes en línea deben fluir para mantenerse por delante de sus competidores. Y nada mejor que permanezca atento y siempre informado sobre herramientas de marketing para que sea posible. El diseño gráfico es una de las más fuertes brazo armado de cualquier estrategia de marketing que desee poner en práctica para hacer que su negocio crezca y se convierta en una referencia en la categoría. Un diseño innovador y creativo obtendrá los mejores resultados para su salón o spa: más nuevos clientes, ventas al por menor más altos, mayor gasto por cliente y el aumento de la ganancia. Piense solamente durante cinco minutos las múltiples opciones que tiene para que sea posible. Como propietario de un salón de belleza, hay que encontrar un equipo de diseño gráfico que puede transformar su propia visión en una marca. Aquí en thenetmencorp estamos a favor de convertirse en ese desafío en una gran experiencia. Podemos trabajar juntos para conseguir una marca innovadora y creativa, original y reconocible. Su logotipo en primer lugar, a partir de ese uno, usted puede seguir adelante en las diferentes piezas de marketing. marca creativa salón, anuncios en prensa, folletos, volantes, anuncios publicitarios promocionales, bandera emergente está, sitios web, anuncios en medios sociales, boletines electrónicos. Es una lista interminable. Todos estos elementos pueden ser diseñados para expertos en el tema, para nosotros. Aquí en thenetmencorp puede ayudar a usted y su salón de belleza o spa para crecer y brillar. Tenemos un equipo de diseño listo para entregar conceptos frescos y divertidos que promuevan su negocio y permitirán vivir la gran experiencia para provecho. Todos entregados con precios fijos, sin costes ocultos y conceptos ilimitados y revisiones durante el proceso de diseño.

Vote for graphic design!

Time for vote, time for design. There is no doubt that politicians are not graphic designers themselves. For that reason they need the help of experts who can visualize their thoughts and make them understandable for other people. And it's not just choosing a nice font or give to the design a striking color, it is about much more than that. The politician must grab the attention of the voter, convey confidence and keep them throughout the campaign, until the day of the election. Time of political campaign is rough and competitive. And the candidates look for establish a brand to gain recognition and which communicate the core of their proposal. To achieve this the graphic design is the key, is the skill to combine all the necessary elements to compose the perfect formula to get what all every single political candidate wants, votes. Presidential nominees hire the best graphic designers to produce top quality campaign material because they want to capture the attention of the people and make them read what they have to say. The designers can develop flyers, posters and other mailings which are an forceful and direct way to reach voter’s homes. Also, if these pieces are well designed, printed in a good quality type of paper and has a good impact to the voter’s eyes, they will stay in the house and will probably be read several times. Also political poster gets a lot of attention . It is a classic that can be modernized with in regard to the environment where it is exposed. Before, it was exposed on a wall, now it can be shared on the social networks, on the facebook wall. It may be used less in the future but nowadays, poster designs are often meant to be downloaded from Web sites and this allows they survival. Now let's analyze the elements that usually make up the most important marketing piece of a political campaign, THE LOGO. The logo is the linchpin of campaign branding. Must be suitable to be on all types of campaign advertising, including the ciberspace. To strike home, the logo must keep the overall branding so voters can recognize it no matter where is placed. These elements are: - Type of font. - The image, there are two approaches: the use of national symbols and the out of the cliché, exploring more abstract languages, using only a simple letter or figures to be present and not be linked to anything concrete. - The color, where they can have a patriotic Reading (using the flag colors) versus multicolor proposal, with a more open interpretation. You could see some of the reasons why political candidates need a graphic designers in their team. They give to the campaign impact, attention-grabbing and that shareable social media to stand out in a crowded field. Graphic design is one of the essential elements to managing a presidential campaign. And to finish this article, let’s do something related to the topic. Let’s vote for [...]