
The power of your name

A brand name is not just a name. Entrepreneurs and small business owners often spend hundred hours on committing a name to their startup, idea or product. A brand name is not just an ordinary name but it is the backbone of the whole startup or a business idea. Choosing a name is the biggest hurdle for entrepreneurs rather than building up business and product strategy as it is the most valuable asset for any business company or a startup entrepreneur. Not only in business sphere, a name gives us a unique identity in every dimension of life. Giving the most suitable name and logo to your product and idea is something which can give a kick start to your startup. Looking for a long run, only brand name is remembered by people in future till you survive in your business. A name and a logo act as identification to your idea and product. A brand name helps to be easily distinguished from your competitors. Your brand name should clearly give an idea about your business and services. A brand is a coalition or belonging developed in a person or a group of person to a company, product or service. A brand name for startup should align closely with business strategy and should be one which could be used as business strategy in future too. Brand name helps you to connect and build affinity with people and grow your business. Before you commit a name for your business or startup, there are several suggestions you must have a look. A few suggestions for choosing a unique business name • Make sure you have a unique and distinct name and a name which is not in use. Distinguish your brand from competitors and ensure that no similar name is used by any of your competitor. • Never use names that are tough to pronounce and spell. Tough and difficult names often lead to mispronunciation and wrongly spell, making it difficult to be searched and shared online. This can result in negative branding. • A brand name influences your business. So choose a name which aligns to your business strategy and which can be compatible with products and services you provide. • Brand name makes people connect with your business. So choose a name which can be easily accepted by people/audience. • Make sure the name you choose is global friendly and doesn’t restrain to expand your business internationally. Choose a name which should not require rebranding if you wish to expand your business to another area or geographical location. • If possible always choose to use two or three syllables. • A brand name should be appealing and most importantly you should love it. A visually appealing brand name creates an extra affinity and interaction in much lesser time. For future branding, a name plays very significant and crucial role in giving a desired flight to business or vice verse. Along with these suggestions, there are some more crucial guidelines which [...]

El poder de su nombre

Una marca no es sólo un nombre. Los empresarios y propietarios de pequeñas empresas a menudo gastan cientos de horas en la comisión de un nombre a su puesta en marcha, idea o producto. Una marca no es sólo un nombre común, sino que es la columna vertebral de todo el arranque o una idea de negocio. La elección de un nombre es el mayor obstáculo para los empresarios en lugar de la construcción de negocio y estrategia de producto, ya que es el activo más valioso para cualquier empresa o un empresario de inicio. No sólo en la esfera de negocios, un nombre nos da una identidad única en todas las dimensiones de la vida. Dando el nombre y el logotipo más adecuado para su producto y la idea es algo que puede dar un puntapié inicial a su puesta en marcha. Buscando un largo plazo, sólo el nombre de la marca es recordado por la gente en el futuro hasta que sobrevivir en su negocio. Un nombre y un logotipo actúan como identificación de su idea y producto. Un nombre de marca ayuda a distinguirse fácilmente de sus competidores. Su marca debe dar una idea clara acerca de su negocio y los servicios. Una marca es una coalición o pertenecientes desarrolla en una persona o un grupo de personas a una empresa, producto o servicio. Una marca de inicio debe alinear estrechamente con la estrategia de negocio y debe ser uno que podría ser utilizado como estrategia de negocio en el futuro también. nombre de la marca le ayuda a conectar y construir afinidad con la gente y hacer crecer su negocio. Antes de comprometerse un nombre para su negocio o de arranque, hay varias sugerencias que debe tener una mirada. Algunas sugerencias para la elección de un nombre de empresa única • Asegúrese de que tiene un nombre único y distinto y un nombre que no está en uso. Distinguir su marca de la competencia y asegurar que ningún nombre similar es utilizado por cualquiera de su competidor. • Nunca utilice nombres que son difíciles de pronunciar y deletrear. nombres duras y difíciles a menudo conducen a la mala pronunciación y sin razón, explican, por lo que es difícil de ser buscado y compartida en línea. Esto puede resultar en la marca negativa. • Un nombre de marca influye en su negocio. Así que elija un nombre que se alinea con su estrategia de negocio y que puede ser compatible con los productos y servicios que ofrece. • Nombre de marca hace que las personas se conectan con su negocio. Así que elija un nombre que puede ser fácilmente aceptado por la gente / audiencia. • Asegúrese de que el nombre que elija es amigable mundial y no limita para expandir su negocio a nivel internacional. Elija un nombre que no debe requerir cambio de marca si desea ampliar su negocio a otra zona o ubicación geográfica. • Si es posible elegir siempre el uso de dos [...]

By |November 9, 2015|Marca|

Benefits of Great Bookkeeping Logo Design

While bookkeeping is all about recording the financial transaction of a company, all bookkeepers know that it is much more than data entry. Yes, bookkeepers keep their clients' financial books updated accurately but as with any service business, creating a bookkeeping marketing strategy is important to success. Bookkeeping companies, just like many small business owners spend countless hours and their hard-earned dollars, obsessing about their first impression. Companies hire bookkeeping services as these services relieve the stress and burden of the accounting function of running the business. Hiring bookkeepers give them the edge to focus on their core job that is concentrating on their business. As they are very crucial for businesses, the demand for bookkeeping services has grown exponentially. If you are into a bookkeeping business, you should have a strong online identity as it will give you uniqueness in your industry. You will definitely wonder how your customers see you. Do the customers rate you as trustworthy, transparent, honest and professional? Also, does your website really reflect what they have to offer? Because of the growth in this industry, the logo you choose to represent your bookkeeping business is essential in your bookkeeping business' recognition! A bookkeeping firm should not overlook their logo! Your logo is your first and true impression. Many bookkeeping companies often settle down for the average bookkeeping logo for two main reasons. Either they lack marketing skills or do not want to apply effective marketing skills for making a stronger presence in their market and insufficient funds. These two reasons top the list. This can be a critical misstep for any business. If you under-look or overlook your logo, you are missing the most important element of your company’s branding strategy. There are dozens of bookkeeping and finance companies out there in the market and all of them use creative logo design to set themselves apart from their competitors. Gone are the days when only very big bookkeeping companies used to get their logo designed. But now, whatever may be the size of the firm, it is necessary to have a logo. Bookkeeping firms are investing huge amounts to get their logo designed. The simple reason is they understand how a logo can help them gain more visibility and recognition. Considerations for designing a logo for a bookkeeping firm When designing a logo for an accounting or bookkeeping firm, the graphic designer has to cover many aspects. To begin with, the designer should choose a universal color for the logo in order to make sure it has a positive impact on the observers. Graphic designers mostly use black and silver as the color of logo whereas shades of red and blue are also used. If you love the conventional style, you can ask the designer to use the company name and position a suitable image over it. On the other hand, if you want to take a more modernistic and stylish approach to it, then you should use images, particularly picked fonts and slogans. [...]

¿Por qué su negocio de la contabilidad necesita un buen diseño del logotipo?

Libro de mantenimiento de empresas, al igual que muchos propietarios de pequeñas empresas pasan horas y horas y sus dólares ganados con mucho esfuerzo, la obsesión por la primera impresión. La contabilidad es todo acerca de la grabación de las transacciones financieras de una empresa. Es mucho más que la entrada de datos, donde los libreros mantienen a sus clientes libros financieros actualizados con precisión. Las empresas contratan servicios de teneduría de libros ya que estos servicios alivian el estrés y la carga de la función de contabilidad de funcionamiento de la empresa. los contadores de contratación darles la ventaja de centrarse en su trabajo principal que se está concentrando en su negocio. Ya que son muy crucial para las empresas, la demanda de servicios de contabilidad ha crecido de manera exponencial. Si usted está en un negocio de la contabilidad, usted debe tener una fuerte identidad en línea, ya que le dará singularidad en su industria. Definitivamente va a preguntarse cómo sus clientes le ven. ¿Los clientes califica como fiable, transparente, honesto y profesional? Tampoco su sitio web realmente reflejar lo que tienen que ofrecer? Una empresa de contabilidad no debe pasar por alto su logotipo! Su logotipo es su primera y verdadera impresión. Muchas empresas teneduría de libros a menudo se establecen para el logotipo de la media por dos razones principales. O bien carecen de habilidades de marketing o no quieren aplicar las habilidades de marketing eficaces para hacer una presencia más fuerte en su mercado y la insuficiencia de fondos. Estas dos razones encabezan la lista. Esto puede ser un paso en falso crítica para cualquier negocio. Si usted bajo-mirada o sobre-mira su logotipo, se echa en falta en el elemento más importante de la estrategia de marca de su empresa. Hay docenas de empresas de contabilidad y finanzas que hay en el mercado y todos ellos utilizan el diseño de logotipo creativo a fin de diferenciarse de sus competidores. Atrás han quedado los días en que las empresas de contabilidad solamente muy grandes que se utilizan para obtener su logotipo diseñado. Pero ahora, cualquiera que sea el tamaño de la empresa, es necesario contar con un logotipo. firmas de contabilidad están invirtiendo enormes cantidades para obtener su logotipo diseñado. La simple razón es que entienden cómo un logotipo puede ayudar a obtener una mayor visibilidad y reconocimiento. Consideraciones para el diseño de un logotipo para una empresa de contabilidad En el diseño de un logotipo para una empresa de contabilidad o teneduría de libros, el diseñador gráfico tiene que cubrir muchos aspectos. Para empezar, el diseñador debe elegir un color universal para el logotipo con el fin de asegurarse de que tiene un impacto positivo en los observadores. Los diseñadores gráficos utilizan sobre todo negro y plata como el color del logotipo donde como tonos de rojo y azul también se utilizan. Si le gusta el estilo convencional, puede pedir al diseñador a utilizar el nombre de la empresa y la posición de una imagen [...]

Why you should adopt Responsive Web Design for your business?

As there is a massive increase in the usage of mobile devices like smartphones and tablets, it’s important for you to know how your customers are accessing your online presence. You need to find out what your website look like when they are accessing it for gathering relevant information they need. If your website is not optimized for mobile devices, your customers will click away to your competitors. And definitely you will not like this to happen in any case. You will find out ways to give a wonderful mobile viewing experience to your audience. You can do this by using HTML responsive web design. Technical definition of responsive web design Before we dig more into the benefits of responsive web design, let us first talk about its exact definition. It has become a very catchy term in web design industry today. This term is used commonly to describe mobile-friendly websites. Responsive web design is a site that is built on single domain and uses one single HTML codebase. The single HTML codebase can be fluidly resized by the CSS to optimally adjust to the screen size of the device viewing the website. In simple words, responsive web design means a website that has been built in a way that all the content, images and structure remain the same on all the devices. If you go for this web design, you will be away from the hassle of having different websites for various devices. What are the main features of responsive web design? A HTML responsively designed website uses all mobile-friendly features. It eliminates Flash content that does not work on mobile operating system. It includes proper mobile redirects and mobile 404 pages and eliminates full screen interstitials that obstruct mobile page views. Responsively built website also ensures fast mobile page load times. Audience expectation is high on HTML responsive web design Everyone is running short of time today and has a busy lifestyle. They have less time to search things on desktop. They want to be online every time, whether they are travelling, working or relaxing at home. They spend more time on mobile. So, they want your website to display properly on their mobile screens. In a Google study, it was found that 72% of audiences want the websites to open on their mobile devices. And 61% will leave the website if it is not mobile-friendly. Top benefits of HTML responsive web design Tremendous Flexibility Responsive web design offer tremendous flexibility. These websites are fluid which means the content can flow easily through all screen resolutions and all devices. Also the images and grids are fluid which means the content image and structure resizes with the screen size of different mobile devices. Recommendation from Google With highest search market share, Google stands ahead with more number of search marketers listening them. It states that responsive web design is its recommended mobile configuration. They also refer this design as the best industry practice. As it has same URL and [...]