If you are looking for the visual and design elements that your Amazon listing needs in order to become a best seller and rank up your sales, we have simplified the most important things to take into consideration and start applying.

1- Create a unique branding.

Truth is, unless you have invented a unique product, you will probably have direct competitors.
When possible-customers are looking on Amazon for the product they need, there are two things that they consider.
First, the price, and second, the branding. Customers will pay a difference in price if they are buying a product that gives the feeling it’s coming from a brand, or has been branded in a very unique, attracting way.

Including a logo, creating an aesthetic, and having images in the same style which portray the brand behind the product help build this.

2- Product customization.

If you are selling on Amazon a product which many other sellers sell in the same way, you should considerate customizing your product.
This customization may be adding your logo, adding a nicer packaging, or customizing the colour.

3- Your Amazon listing images should show the real size of the product.

42% of users when searching for a product online are looking for a size mockup.
As a buyer, it has happened to all of us to buy a product which we thought was a different size. This turns out in discomfort and anger towards the seller, which results in a bad review and return.
Avoid this by clearly showcasing on your product mockups how big is your product in real life.

4- Your listing images should portray the most important features of your product.

Nowadays, information needs to be easily found. 56% of users begin by looking at the product images rather than its description.
If your product has a feature which differentiates it from the rest, make the most out of it!
Know how to showcase this information by infographics and lifestyle mockups and images on your listing.

5- Remember to show different angles of your product.

If you only show one face of your product, truth is it may seem you are hiding something about it. Show your product from the front, back, sides and top. Make the future-customer feel like they must own your product!

6- Take advantage of EBC/A+ content

If your product belongs to an Amazon brand, you are eligible for EBC/ A+ content on your listing.
It is a must to take advantage of this extra space to showcase your product’s features!
Design different pictures, showcase more uses and more examples of your product.
This is a second opportunity to convince the visitor to buy it!

7- Get creative!

Get creative with your image listing and descriptions. Your product is unique, and so should be everything around it.


If you would like to hear about our graphic design services for image design for Amazon, contact us!

We know how to make Amazon listing’s stand out, and rank up your sales.

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