About Ignacio Galarraga

Ignacio Galarraga has transformed the online graphic design industry. As CEO of The Netmen Corp, he created a company aimed to help entrepreneurs, small companies and business owners get all their graphic and web design needs with a great quality at a very affordable price. Some of these services include but are not limited to: Logo design, Corporate Identity, Brochure design, Package design, Illustrations, and Website Design.

Guide to Custom Branding & Logo Design for Photographers

Many photographers often take their own branding for granted. However, personal branding plays a vital role when it comes to standing out and gaining a competitive advantage in the market. Lack of personal branding has the capacity to undermine the business potential of even the most talented photographer. For this reason, many professionals find it difficult to fill their schedules despite being able to outperform competitors in terms of photographic skill. [av_button label=’Get a Photography Logo Designed Now’ link=’product_cat,117′ link_target=” size=’large’ position=’left’ icon_select=’no’ icon=’ue800′ font=’entypo-fontello’ color=’theme-color’ custom_bg=’#444444′ custom_font=’#ffffff’ admin_preview_bg=”] […]

Infografías, una de las mejores piezas de marketing para tu plan de negocios.

Currently, it has been proven that the visual is usually much more effective and attractive than the text, the use of computer graphics is on the rise. An infographic is a collection of data or information that is used to create an image in order to facilitate the understanding of such information and transmit it in a more efficient and fast. […]

Infographics: One of the Best Marketing Materials for your Business Plan

Over the past few years, infographics have become one of the hottest marketing tools for any business. Whether your company is B2B or B2C, you can use infographics to explain things to your customers, illustrate important concepts in your industry and promote your business. Infographics began gaining popularity on the web around 2010, and since then, they’ve been improved and refined. Most infographics now offer a high level of graphic design that wasn’t evident in the early days of the craze. But while infographics have only gained online popularity in the past few years, their roots reach long before that — all the way back, some argue, to ancient Egyptian times. […]