
Why Vacation Rental Owners Should Produce Print Material

Every time we have to do something that will be used for somebody else, we should put ourselves in that person’s shoes. As an owner of a vacation rental, think about what your guests can expect when they choose your place. And figure out what small details you should take care of to make the difference and turn your site into something special. To make this happen, to offer something out of the box you do not need to spend much money or time. The simple things can make a difference, and every little bit really does count. […]

How To integrate Your Online & Offline Marketing

  Business of all kind want to incorporate the newest marketing strategies. Offline and online marketing plans can be fused and leave a long-lasting impression on the customers. The fact of using both marketing channels doesn’t indicate you should have two separated campaigns. A perfect marketing mix can be done, getting a great support and complementation of offline and online strategies. This integration becomes in one of the most powerful tool to elevate your company profile. […]

El espíritu empresarial y la innovación para la sustentabilidad.

Las cosas han cambiado radicalmente en el mercado actual. Por un lado, las grandes empresas empiezan a tomar nota de las cuestiones ecológicas y el evidente aumento de las desigualdades sociales que están causando problemas tanto en el entorno empresarial  como en la sociedad. Y, por otro lado, los consumidores están cada vez más preocupados acerca de los desafíos que hay para lograr un mundo sustentable. La economía mundial va hacia la madurez, y cambia de un ”crecer a toda costa ” a un ” crecer en forma equilibrada”. […]