
Sustainopreneurship: The Mix Between Entrepreneurship and Sustainability

Things have changed radically in the actual market. On one hand, the large corporations start to note the ecological issues and the evidence of rising social inequalities are causing problems to the business environment and global society. And on the other hand, the consumers are becoming more concerned about these challenges to a sustainable world. The global economy undergoes towards maturity, and changes from a ’’growth at all cost’’ to a ‘’balanced growth’’. […]

The Productivity Diet

With work pressures and busy schedules, making healthy meals can be a challenge. But what we eat impacts our cognitive performance, so how and what you put in your body directly affects your productivity and energy levels. Your digestive system is a magical black box that transforms food into energy. And energy is the fuel you burn over the course of the day to be productive. When you eat too much or too little, your energy suffers. When you eat just the right amount, you have a solid, consistent amount of energy to get through the day. […]

Una Dieta Productiva

Con las presiones de trabajo y horario de trabajo, hacer comidas saludables puede ser un desafío. Pero lo que comemos afecta nuestro rendimiento cognitivo, por lo que como y lo que usted pone en su cuerpo afecta directamente los niveles de productividad y de la energía. Su sistema digestivo es un cuadro negro mágico que transforma los alimentos en energía. Y la energía es el combustible que quema en el transcurso del día sea productivo. […]