
Packaging Trends to Watch in 2020 and Beyond

The world changes quickly and packaging trends are no exception. According to analyst firm Smithers Pira, the total value of the global packaging industry reached $876 billion in 2018 and is expected to top $1 trillion by 2023. MarketWatch identifies the major players in global packaging as familiar names, such as HP, Du Pont, Xerox, and Kodak. Packaging is still a big deal despite of massive digitalization going on. […]

How to Launch a New Brand

Whether your company is expanding, changing its focus, or just deciding to refresh your image, rebranding is a comprehensive but rewarding process. Deciding on the right logo and slogan is half the battle — then you need to decide the best way to announce the rebrand and organize a successful launch day. Without it, you could lose your customers if they fail to recognize your new brand or don’t respond to it the same way they did before. […]

What Is a Business Card Used For?

You know you should probably have a business card. You see people carrying them around all the time. But what would you use them for? Business cards are professional calling cards. They offer a tangible way to remind people about you long after you’ve met. You also get the chance for a little dramatic flair by creating business cards with unique designs and distinct personality. Read on to learn the many ways that handing out a business card can benefit your business. […]