Mother’s Day is coming! And it is almost like Christmas time for Salon and SPA owners.
There are some dates in the calendar that can be a great chance to increase the sales, make new clients and keep happy those who are always coming to your place all year around. Mother’s day is definitely the marketing event for your business. And you do not have to miss the chance to get all its benefits. But to be able to reach that profit , you need effective promotion ideas for your hair and beauty business. Here you can find several ways to coddle mothers and your register machine too! Gift Card but with some extra goodies. Kids always want to give huge presents, with shinny paper wrapper and big bows. So if you offer a gift card only can be less attractive for children looking for a present for mom. Prepare a nice gift basket, with products you sale, and place the gift card in there. Both will happy, children and mothers. Create interesting service packages that are unique. Includes services done in your salon. And add some special treatment for the ocasion. Like drinks and apetizers. Always look for the way to give more tan expected. Create beauty product packages for home care. For those clients who are regular, offer the chance to extend the benefits of the salon at home. Run a Mom and Daughter make-over contest on Facebook . You can organize a contest and give a hair cut and manicure service, for example, and get many likes for your Facebook page. These are some ideas that need to be communicate off and online. And to be able to share them with all your potencial costumers you need to be professional and make the marketing material attractive, fun and recognizable. A clear message is keynote in advertising. You have to stand behind your image and make sure it speaks to your consumer in the way that you want to do it. Here is when a graphic design company shows up to help you to convert those great ideas, into even better marketing pieces . At thenetmencorp we assist you to develope those marketing pieces that will capture the attention of your target. The design process is easy and flows between you and your account manager, who will understand your requirements and will transmit them to the design team. And all together will achieve a final concept which will make you and your customers feel in love with. How can we start to work together then? Please, help yourself. Here you will find a great deal for Mother’s day. A really useful combo: Flyer and Facebook ad for only $199*. As you can notice, the investment is not high for the benefits they generate to your business. C’mon and join us! *Promo valid thru 4/30/2016