Many logos are instantly recognizable; practically anyone could tell what brand they belong to. Be it recall, familiarity, or just a great design, there’s a lot that goes into a great or memorable logo. Because it’s an important part of the branding and exists on all your products, it’s necessary that you get it right: Nike Nike’s logo is called the swoosh. Carolyn Davidson’s design has become iconic and is one of the most recognizable logos, perfectly representing Nike. A sports brand, Nike’s focus is on productivity, accomplishment, and pushing forward. Their tagline is “Just do it.”, which fits perfectly with the brand’s logo. It’s a brilliant example of minimalism, saying a lot with very little to spare. Its design is also reminiscent of speed, fluidity, and motion, which resonate heavily with the brand’s image. It can be found in practically every apparel and lineup the company produces. Chanel Chanel’s reputation in the fashion industry has focused on Coco’s Parisian style, luxury, and the finer things in life. The bold font along with her initials interlocked don’t scream outright much but do a great job of conveying what it’s all about. A brand that’s stuck to its roots. There are also hints of perfectionism, something synonymous with the world of high fashion. The symmetrical logo with a neat design has no artifacts that distract you from the main subject at hand. A logo doesn’t have to go all-out; it only has to reflect what the company is all about, something logo design services emulate and execute. McDonald’s McDonald’s logo or the Golden Arches was designed due to actual golden arches that were a part of the restaurant design for the chain. It’s a smart take to connect the two arches to form the letter mark M logo of the brand. While the logo has had some variations over the years, it’s been present in practically every part of its history. You can find it in every element, which is a testament to the consistency of the design and the branding of the fast-food chain giant. Expect to see it in basically anything McDonald’s produces. Tesla Another great example of less is more would be Tesla’s logo. From a basic perspective, it’s a sci-fi-inspired T, which works fairly well with the company’s push towards futuristic vehicles. According to Elon Musk, the logo is a cross-section of an electric motor. Not only does it reflect the vision of the company and give a feel of electricity and fluidity that the brand is all about, but it’s fairly simple and easy to recognize. The brand does have a unique “Tesla” logo that’s also in a unique font, carrying out the company’s look for the futuristic design. Apple Apple’s logo was shrouded in mystery for the longest time. While many people considered it to be a take on Adam and Eve’s apple from the garden of Eden, others speculated that it was a pun on the cyanide-laced apple Alan Turing took a “byte” out of. The [...]