
The Best Cities for Graphic Designers

Cities, in general, have long been our innovation centers — places for like-minded folk to connect and share ideas and benefit from the unique talents their contemporaries have to offer. Most major cities are attractive to creatives, and it’s easy to see why. Between the hustle and bustle, the diversity, the proximity to people with shared interests and values and the abundant opportunities, moving to an urban area is one of the great American dreams. […]

10 Package Design Tips

Your product packaging is one of the most important decisions in marketing your physical products. The design has the power to attract attention, which increases sales. On the flip side, poor product packaging can cause consumers to keep walking or even develop a negative impression. Creating a solid package design that conveys your brand and appeals to your target audience is essential to successful sales. Use these package design tips to make your products stand out. […]

Ways Graphic Design Benefits Business

As an owner or employee of a small business, you have a lot on your plate. While the bigger companies have teams of people to handle all the ins and outs of running a company, you’re often left to juggle the responsibilities of multiple departments on your own. With that balancing act, it can be easy for certain things, like web or graphic design, to be left behind. After all, you may think these are superficial concerns — the icing on the cake, as it were. But don’t be so quick to discount the importance of graphic design in business. The image of your company that you present to the world matters in many ways. […]

5 Factors for a Good Logo: Custom Logo Design Online

What makes a great logo? From the iconic ‘swoosh’ adorning sneakers and shirts to the red and white script signature on pop bottles, a great logo becomes a fast, visual shorthand for the brand it represents. Good logos are worth millions in free advertising to their parent companies, shortening the time it takes to introduce products and helping gain recognition in the eyes of consumers. How you take a logo from concept to creation is part alchemy, part science, part logic and part intuition. Custom logo design online should include time to get to know your brand attributes. When this knowledge combines with strong design skills and the five factors for a good logo, you’ve got a potential winner on your hands. […]

Logo Design Tips

How important is a logo? At The NetMen Corp, we’ve designed hundreds of logos over the years for a wide range of companies. During that time, we’ve seen logos become iconic, recognizable brand marks that provide a mental shortcut for customers to associate brand attributes with an image. Your logo is one of the most recognizable brand elements for your business. Many people skimp when it comes to logo design. They turn to stock photography or try to “wing it” and make their logos. […]